
tag [canis subspecies list]

Canis lupus (grey wolf) is one of many Canis species called "wolf". Other Canis species (wolves) include C. latrans (coyote), C. aureus (jackal), C. rufus ( red wolf, which was thought to be a hybrid midway between grey wolves and coyotes until the most recent genetic studies in October 2012), C. simensis (ethiopian wolf, which was considered a maned wolf _one of those canids which do not belong to the Canis genus, p.e. fox, raccoon dog)_ because of the intermediate morphology midway between jackal and fox), C. lycaon (eastern wolf) ...
Canis lupus has 35 to 39 subspecies (many extinct), including the two domesticated subspecies, Canis lupus familiaris and Canis lupus dingo and the iberian wolf, Canis lupus signatus.

Red wolf (Canis rufus) is a very special totem animal to have. She is the smallest wolf and is the essence of Innocence, blessed with the gift of Belief and Trust that all will be exactly as it is meant to be. Yet in order to facilitate her primary Role of Teacher, to impart her Knowledge and Wisdom, she must first walk through the experience herself in full awareness and face her own personal Truths, only to come back to herself... the Way Back Home of the Self is the Return of Innocence, Belief, Trust and Dream to Call on Her Power, Empower Herself and Create What She Wants the Most. And it is Magic.

Red wolves are frequently mistaken for coyotes even in daylight. Red wolves and coyotes are similar in appearance, coats, and coloring. Red wolf yearlings are similar in size and weight to coyotes. Red wolves are named for their reddish-brown, brownish-red, brown-red or cinnamon coloured fur or pelt with dark patches on their backs.

Although red wolves are able to hunt together as a pack in order to catch a larger animal such as a deer, red wolves primarily eat smaller ground dwelling animals such as rabbits and rodents. Red wolves also eat birds, raccoons and other small animals.

Gunshot deaths are a significant threat to the red wolf, one of the world’s most endangered animals, living in the Albemarle Peninsula of eastern North Carolina. Bt the 1970s the pure red wolf was thought to be extinct in the wild primarily due to habitat loss and human hunt (even during spring season :/), but in 1987 a population was reintroduced in a protected area of North Carolina that is said to now be up to 100 individuals. Nevertheless, the red wolf is still considered to be a critically endangered animal, and is regarded as the 10th most endangered animal species in the world.

Vernal Equinox Full Moon Celebration

The first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox is the Vernal Equinox Full Moon. Eostara is a lunar holiday honoring a lunar Goddess at the Vernal Full Moon, whereas the Vernal Equinox (March 21, Sun enters Aries and Spring and the Lunar New Year begin) is a solar holiday celebrating that the hours of light (day) equate those of darkness (night), and thus, the triumph and return of the sun god, who will wait for his maiden goddess to arrive at Eostara. Incidentally, some Pagan traditions began, recently, referring to the Vernal Equinox as Eostara. Historically this is incorrect. The Eostara (Ostara) was held on the Vernal Equinox Full Moon. Of course, the Church doesn't celebrate the Full Moons, even if they do calculate by them, so they planted they Easter (ironically, the name Easter was taken from the name of a Teutonic lunar Goddess, Eostre, from whence we also get the name of the female hormone, estrogen) on the following Sunday. So, their Easter is always the first Sunday after the the first Full Moon (the Eostara) after the Vernal Equinox. If you've ever wondered why Easter moves all around the calendar, now you know.

- Source:

It's time we begin to shed our heavy clothing and head outdoors to run, walk, hike, swim, roam the land and move after the long winter. In the past, this full moon was called the Full Pink Moon (this Full Moon heralded the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox - one of the first Spring flowers - according to the Farmers' Almanac. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Budding Trees Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon).

Pink Moon by Jackie Morris Artist
My title: The Eostara. The Maiden Goddess of Spring (Artemis?) and Bear

With four heavenly bodies (Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus) in opposition to the Full Moon in Libra (a Full Moon is always an exact sun opposition moon; the Full Moon in Libra is the astral moment when the Moon in Libra opposites the Sun in Aries, the very special Aries/Libra axis with its unique characteristics), there's a lot of tension, struggle, polarities at work within our lives and ourselves. Like Artemis (Goddess for Aries, March 21 - April 19), whose bow is symbolic of an exquisitely tuned inner tension, we have to practise balance and harmony, rather than getting caught up in the chaos and disruptive energy being set off by the planets moving into the fire signs and becoming fanned by the winds of the air sign planets.

La Rueca

La rueca donde tejen sus telas y destinos las brujas. Brujas, nunca olviden cuál es su sendero. Celébrenlo, sientan cómo toma forma bajo sus pies como suyo que es, caminen a través de él siempre con reverencia. Brujas, no nieguen ni ignoren su instinto. Adquieran templanza y sabiduría, y vivan en paz.

31 OCT - 1 NOV: Samhain (el velo entre el Mundo Espiritual y el Mundo Terrenal es más fino esta noche que en ningún otro momento del Año)
1 NOV: Inicio del Invierno Pastoral o Estación del Frío