Such a beautiful wild canid midway between wolf and fox

The coyote (Canis latrans) is found in central and north America, from Panama to Alaska. Although heavily persecuted in the past by hunting and still unpopular with farmers, the coyote is an enterprising, adaptable and intelligent animal. From a distance the more heavily furred mountain subspecies are often mistaken for wolves, but can be distinguished by their lighter build and more delicate, pointed face.

The Fool Sage - The Wild Wise Woman aka Witch

Cuando digo que la gente me "lee" mal, debido a la energía exterior que proyecto, me refiero a esto:

In the beginning was The Fool, the beginner’s mind, new experiences, birth and rebirth.

Tara, the Tibetan goddess of compassion and protection, symbolizes New Beginnings in Kris Waldherr’s Goddess Deck. If she appears, she will keep the questioner safe from harm as they begin their new adventure. In fact, Tara translates to “She who causes one to cross.” So, the first step of the Tarot Major Arcana journey is one of getting the courage and security to set out on your adventure.
Next is gaining mastery over the self and the environment, represented by the Magician:

And now, after there is self-control and external power, the adventurer becomes introspective, and looks to the abstract.

And we have moved from the Magician to the High Priestess. While the Magician is about skills, the High Priestess is about knowledge, especially knowledge of the Self, and knowledge of the Spirit.   Kris Waldherr chose Sarasvati for the High Priestess of the Goddess Deck, and called the card itself Wisdom.  Sarasvati is the Hindu goddess of wisdom, music, education, spiritual knowledge, and the arts.  She floats on a lotus, a flower that symbolizes resilience. The lotus can grow out of the murkiest depths, and knowledge and enlightenment can occur in the most unlikely places.
Kris Waldherr added many wonderful details to her illustration. Look closely at Sarasvati’s arms, of which she has four. This shows the reach of wisdom; enlightenment can be found in all four corners of the earth. Also, to connect her to the Magician, I would say that the four arms can symbolize the four elements, of which the High Priestess would also have mastery. The four limbs can be spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well being and balance, as well. The book is education and commitment to learning. The beads represent spiritual commitment and ritual, and the lute she strums symbolizes music, the marriage of both the left and right brain, showing both emotional and logical balance.

The Celtic Deck’s High Priestess is shown standing in front of the moon, a symbol of feminine intuition, wisdom, and the subconscious. The moon is full to show the fertility of her imagination. Her robes are those of a priestess, someone who has been initiated onto the path. The inside of her robes is dark blue, the color of the night and the subconscious. Her sash is gold, the color of solar or male energy, showing her ability to translate this knowledge from subconscious to conscious, abstract to concrete.  She stands on a verdant green lawn, vines climbing up the bricks. This is a place of mystery.  If the High Priestess comes into a spread, secrets may be revealed.
Since The High Priestess is shown outdoors, she shows an understanding and a closeness to nature, a potent source of wisdom, and a source as beloved and valuable to the High Priestess as any book.

Robin Wood’s High Priestess shows a woman wearing a robe in shades of blue and green, the colors of night and of water, both associated with the feminine, the subconscious, and dreams. She holds a book, to show her devotion to study, and a crystal ball, to show her sharp intuition. Her hair is black, in keeping with the mysterious colors of night, and is highlighted with silver, a feminine color because of its association with the moon (gold and the sun are masculine).  Her necklace is, if you look closely, a pentacle. She also has mastery over the four elements.  Her headband has a crescent moon, which is a symbol of rebirth and regeneration, as well as the cyclical nature of life, as the moon wanes or “dies” and then waxes, or is “reborn.”
In a reading, the season depicted in the card may seem to be autumn/early winter, or early spring.  The beauty of the Robin Wood deck is the careful detailing. One detail may stick out to you out of all the others on the card.  What does this detail tell you? What does it mean to you? Why does it stick out?

Barbara G. Walker’s Papess is also full of exquisite detail. What stands out to me, right now, are the Alpha and Omega symbols on the pillars behind the Papess. Her knowledge is the beginning, the end, and everything in between. She studies the book in her lap, calm and alert, flanked by the ivory towers of accomplishment. These ivory towers may mean something else to you. On the ground in front of the Papess are two keys, which allow insights, foresights, and treasures of the subconscious to be yielded to the questioner.
At first glance, the Papess may appear to be wearing a Devo hat. This is actually meant to represent a beehive, and at the top is a crescent moon, the symbol of cycles and regeneration.  The High Priestess/Papess, because of her wisdom, understands and accepts the cycles of life. The beehive is symbolic of devotion, for she is as intent on gathering wisdom as the bees are at gathering nectar. Just as bees instinctively go to the best flowers, she uses her intuition to guide her. She is wearing purple, the color of royalty, and the other dominant colors of the card are red and white–red is commonly associated with passion, and white with purity. What do these colors mean to you?
If the questioner receives this card,  it could represent aspects of the questioner. The questioner may be going through a period where they feel passionate about learning. They may be having very intense, even prophetic dreams. They may be feeling very close to nature, or may have had a transcendent experience in a sacred place.
The High Priestess/Papess may also represent someone in the questioner’s life.  This person may be very encouraging, intuitive, and/or intelligent. This may be a female teacher, therapist, or mentor, especially in a spiritual capacity, a mother in an initiator role, or a friend who gives good advice.
The archetype of a High Priestess, which can also be found in a male, is that of an intuitive, wise, spiritual woman, a woman who perhaps is close to nature.  She may be mysterious, but nurturing.
In its reversed aspect, the High Priestess could indicate a stinginess with wisdom–the questioner or a person in the questioner’s life is choosing not to help a someone seeking answers.  It can also indicate someone who thinks he or she is wise but is actually not experienced enough to give accurate counsel. It can also mean an estrangement from one’s own intuition or subconscious, or a refusal to follow one’s gut feelings. The High Priestess in reverse can also show that the questioner, or someone close, is having a full-blown spiritual crisis.

Wild Woman

Awakening of Spring (Element Earth)

Proserpina's Reemerge

Coyotes and Horses

I read this story about an encounter with a fearless big coyote..

Then I liked Wolfie's answer:

First, I applaud your respect of wildlife. I wish there were more like you out there.

Coyotes are one of my favourite animals. I love their tenacity, their problem-solving ability, their resilience and their sense of family. Coyotes play a very important part in keeping populations of certain animals under control. Old-time cultures believe that any coyote or wolf is a threat and must be eliminated. However, when coyote families are hunted out of a region, there is always a spike in rabbit, squirrel, Canada geese, rodent and gopher populations. These population explosions can have a devastating affect on farming.

We have actually taught coyotes not to be afraid of us. We leave dog/cat food out in barns or sheds which encourages them to come closer. We hang bird feeders near our homes (seeds and berries make up a big portion of their diet). We leave cats and small dogs outside unattended or on leads. We don’t lock up our garbage. Mice and squirrels come closer to our warm homes as the temperatures drop. We provide a food source for them. Why wouldn’t a coyote want to hang around us? :-)

To avoid conflicts and work towards co-existing with coyotes, it is our responsibility to re-train them and make it unacceptable to hang around our space. Make any type of food source unavailable or inaccessible. Be prepared for encounters by carrying a stick or an umbrella, which when you open it will scare the crap out of the coyote. :-) Having a big barking dog also helps! These coyotes will teach their young to stay away from crazy humans, and the next generation will teach their young and so on.

Sorry for the long post!! I guess you can tell I am passionate about coyotes! :-)

So I went to look for Wolfie's writing..

And then I found some interesting pieces of writing that Wolfie follows..

And I also remembered something I know long ago..

Re-kindle Your Power!

He limpiado con citronella las estanterías de mi Cocina con mis frascos llenos de hierbas.. he encendido incienso, me voy a preparar unas hierbas... ¡Arriba el Hogar! Lo demás... puede esperar jejeje! (lo digo por los exámenes de recuperación que esperan a ser corregidos encima de la mesa del estudio). Re-kindle Your Power, Bruja. Mujer Salvaje, Mágica y de Conocimiento Ancestral. Uhmmmmmm.... abro mis frascos, huelo las hierbas... Coyote's Song of Life. La verdad, me gustaría algo más tranquilo (aunque la gente me lea mal), relacionado con las hierbas, la cocina, escribir.. sobre espiritualidad, magia, antropología.. brujería, folklore.. Peeeero, como dijo el Poeta, Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Siento una necesidad imperante de Hablar con otras Brujas. Minerva, Lucy.. de reconectar con mi espiritualidad )O(

shhh... witch at work lol

Spirit of Coyote

Role: Trickster/Shape-shifter
Lesson: Trust & Seeing through Illusion
Element: Fire/Air
Wind: South Recalling the Child Within
Medicine: Herbs & the Standing People

Keywords: Wisdom & Folly. Guile & Innocence. Stealth. Ability to Laugh at one's Self. Hidden Lessons. Intelligence. Childlike Trust. Song of Life. Trickster. Shapeshifting. Teaching the Importance of Fun & Play.

A cry fills the night
the haunting sound, a familiar one.
Carried upon the ribbons of moonlight,
a song that has been heard for centuries,
never changing, yet heralding change.

Generations & tribes of two-leggeds have long since come and gone
and always, across shifting times and People
Coyote’s song lingers on . . .
the melody often strong in our ears,
in other moments, but a distant echo we vaguely hear.

He sings to us of Family and the sacred bond of love.
Coyote asks of us to expand our hearts beyond blood ties
to include all the People
human, winged, four-legged, finned,
as members of our Clan.

Coyote sings to us of Changes to come.
He is Trickster, Joker, the Fool & the Sage.
Both the Wise Master and the Servant of Folly,
Masleca sings to us
that Truth lies within the Paradox


Native American culture is rich with lore featuring Coyote as a central figure.  Masleca is known as The Trickster, a paradoxical mixture of wise sage and foolish prankster. In the tarot deck, The Fool card.

The Trickster, always carries with him, lessons that are crucial to growth and change, yet the lesson he brings is usually one that is contained within a grand joke that Coyote plays upon the unwitting human.  As such, though he is a Teacher Spirit, his lessons are taught via the vehicle of humor and wisdom found within folly.

For the two-legged beside whom Coyote walks, there will be an aspect of their personality that is deeply playful and mischievous, yet they are equally capable of deep contemplation and introspection.  Though this may at first appear to be a great contradiction, such dichotomy is all a part of the paradoxical Medicine of the Trickster that is both the Wise Sage and the hapless Fool.

Coyote souls will most often learn their lessons the hard way as they go through the Earthwalk trusting those who are incapable (or unwilling) to be worthy of such innocent trust.  Such faith in Others is beautiful in its simplicity and geniuses, yet ultimately it brings to Soul of Masleca, lessons in discernment.

The Coyote individual will often make things much harder on him/herself than they need be, and part of their Lesson as they journey around the Sacred Hoop of Life, is to uncomplicate their life and enjoy the “simple” pleasures.  For one whose outer personality is marked by a great curiosity, this can be exceptionally difficult to master as the focus tends to shift frequently and they become easily bored or distracted.  Yet if they can learn to discipline their sharp intellect, much can be accomplished.

This is not to say that they should attempt to focus only on one project until completed, but rather to find their own way of following projects through that can also appease their proclivity for multi-tasking.  Perhaps in realizing that it is acceptable to have a variety of projects going simultaneously, so long as the projects are completed, Coyote Soul can begin to “own” their success.  Often times, society teaches us that we must focus on only one thing at a time and to not veer from that one venture until it is completed.  For those who walk beside a Totem that is singularly focused (such as the Mountain Goat), this is a natural and “easy” process, yet for one beside whom Coyote journeys (a multi-tasking Totem), this is contrary to their inherent Nature.  Attempting to meet societal expectations and then “failing,” Coyote can become discouraged and lose faith in him/herself.  By recognizing that it is part of their nature to have several projects going simultaneously and combining this self-acceptance with a degree of discipline geared toward finishing those projects (even if this is done simultaneously), the two-legged with this restless Animal Spirit comes to recognize that there is nothing “wrong” with their approach, it is merely unique.

Trust & seeing through Illusion

In Earth Medicine, it is recognized that each Wind or Direction possesses its own unique Medicine.  In the South, we see the Cycles of Summer and Mid-Day.  The Directional Totem for the South is Coyote with the Medicine of this Direction being that of herbs and the Standing People. Three is the Sacred Count for the South and it governs the Soul with the Powers of Trust, Faith of the Child, Enthusiasm for Knowledge, Understanding forged in the fires of Experience, Innocence and the ability to heal through the use of Herbs and Plants.  The South Wind teaches us the importance of retaining our child-like (as opposed to childish) Faith and Trust despite the adversities and challenges we all must surely face on this Walk of Life.

As the Animal Spirit that is recognized as the Totem for the South Wind/Direction on the Hoop of Life (Eagle is the Totem of the East, Grizzly Bear is the Totem of the West and Buffalo is the Totem of the North), Coyote reminds us of the importance of Keeping our Faith.

Observing the Coyote in his/her natural environment can be a study in comedy and drama as this beautiful wild canine endures all that is currently stacked against it to survive as the two-legged encroaches further and further into the wilderness and is becoming increasingly intolerant of Coyote’s rightful place on the Sacred Hoop of Life.  Yet in watching the enthusiasm of Coyote interacting with members of his/her family, or (as seen in the background to this page) when chasing prey, there is an unbridled and child-like playfulness about this Creature Being that reminds us all of the need to retain our joy and discovery of life.

Coyote as a Primary Totem will bring to the two-legged beside whom Masleca journeys, many lessons in Trust and Seeing through Illusion.  This can be a challenging aspect to Coyote Medicine

At heart, the Coyote individual will be an exceptionally trusting individual who will enter the Sacred Hoop with a heart that is virtually wide open and trusting.  Unfortunately, the two-legged with Masleca as a Totem Spirit begins the process of discovering not everyone is “worthy” of such trust as he/she encounters many individuals who take advantage of their open and trusting nature.

The lessons themselves may be presented in a variety of ways from lending money to a friend under the guise of being reimbursed only to be left “holding the bag” to having unquestioning faith in a romantic partner who betrays such trust in acts of unfaithfulness and/or deceit.  These will be exceptionally painful experiences that often leaves the Coyote with blaming the Self for being so “gullible.”

If the lessons represented by those painful experiences are not embraced and integrated in Conscious Awareness, the result can be a developing sense of disillusionment and the Coyote will become suspicious of even the most trust-worthy of individuals.  For those who are operating from a standpoint of automatic suspicion, partners, friends and associates who are honest and faithful, unable to operate any longer under such questioning of their integrity, will ultimately leave.  Hence, the wounded Coyote’s belief that the individual couldn’t be trusted in the first place will be reinforced and justified as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The irony is that the Coyote individual is often very keen and perceptive, and on some level they will intuitively know those who are worthy of trust.  A subtle “knowing” will inform them of those who are out to take advantage of their nature, and they will invariably be proved right every time, yet equally that same inner knowing will tell them when another can be trusted.

When operating from the Shadow or Contrary Medicine, the Soul of Coyote will be untrustworthy themselves, weaving tales and betraying the faith of loved ones.  If this is the instance, then the lessons encountered are much harder, as ultimately the lies spoken or unfaithful acts will ultimately be exposed.  The culmination of these lessons will often result in the Coyote losing one whom they cherish until they are forced to face themselves in honesty and truth.

In both instances, when the two-legged beside whom Coyote trots can learn to listen to his/her intuition rather than what they either want to believe or refuse to see, or if they are the individual who cannot be trusted and learn to become honest and truthful,  the lesson in Trust is well and truly absorbed as Masleca learns to pierce beyond the veil of Illusion of Self and Others to the Truth that dwells beneath.

Song of Life

The desert Southwest is often filled with the haunting cry of the Coyote’s howl.  Higher-pitched than that of their cousin Wolf, the Coyote’s song drifts across mesas and through sandstone canyons with a song that is simultaneously mournful and wise.  It is the call of unity amongst family members sung back and forth across vast distances as a means of staying in contact.

This same song is also a rallying cry between pack members before a hunt or to chase of intruders, or the serenade of a lone Coyote in search of a mate beside whom they will journey the rest of their lives.  As there are so many circumstances in which Coyote will sing, the call has become known as the Song of Life.

The one beside whom Coyote journeys will be an individual that feels they are here for a specific purpose or “mission.”  However, the irony often is that despite this strong sense that there is a goal to be accomplished on this Earthwalk, the Coyote Soul will spend many years in attempting to discern what that special purpose is.  At times glimmers of their “destiny” will appear clearly before their questing eyes only to suddenly disappear as ensuing doubts and issues of self-worth clouds their vision.

Only through exploring many different avenues will the Coyote eventually find the Path that his/her heart resonates to, and along the way a variety of interests will capture their restless curiosity.  Above all however, the Coyote individual needs to explore and investigate as theirs is an active and inquisitive mind.  Hence, fields in which they are challenged intellectually or spiritually will resonate the strongest with them as well as a field in which they can share their insights and knowledge gained with Others.

Some professions which the combination of qualities mentioned above might be found are in the communications field such as writing or journalism, the educational field or any Role in which they are able to transmit their philosophy, ideas and ideals to their fellow Two-Leggeds.

Once the Pathway has been found, the Coyote’s soul with resonate with a sense of ultimate fulfillment as they begin the exploration of their “mission,” their voices will raise in celebration as their Song of Life rings forth.

The Fool - Coyote

Tea time... again!

- Consideraciones: 
(fig. 2) la menta piperita es refrescante (sabor), energizante emocional (aroma), estimulante nervioso (despeja la menta, clarifica los pensamientos y mejora la concentración) y digestiva (función hepatobiliar) + té verde (teína): té moruno (touareg).
Una infusión con piel de limón, cáscara de naranja, rama de canela y rodaja fresca de raíz de jenjibre (y si tenemos semilla de cardamomo) resulta energética y estimulante (spicy sunshine tea) para las mañanas, más que digestiva.
Hierbas, semillas y raíces digestivas: menta poleo, té verde (estimulante), yerbabuena (hierbabuena o menta sativa), anís verde (los romanos, famosos por sus grandes y pesadas comidas, principalmente a base de carne, que acidifica la sangre, elaboraban un pan de anís conocido como "mustaceum"), menta piperita (estimulante), cardamomo, comino, jenjibre, regaliz.
Flatulencia: hinojo, coriandro, anís verde
Depurativas/desintoxicantes: diente de león, ortiga verde

Tiempos de cocción para infusiones:
ramas, troncos, semillas y raíces: echar en el cazo aún con el agua fría. Desde que empieza a hervir, dejar 3 minutos.
flores y hojas: echar cuando el agua quiere empezar a burbujear. Desde entonces, 30 segundos - 1 minuto.

(fig. 3) preparar las infusiones de plantas (incluído el café) con alguna bebida vegetal (p.e. muy ricas con bebida de arroz; también recomiendan, y hay a quien le gusta más, el dulce gusto de la avena), y dejar que la leche de las vacas sea para sus hijos!!!! (sí, ya no somos vegetarianos en casa desde el pasado día 6 de diciembre de 2013, pero eso no significa desandar lo andado, ni tirar por la borda los valores por los que llegamos allí. Somos Personas con una Ética hacia los Animales. Los (Otros) Animales: Otras Naciones en la Tierra, de quienes me parece muy natural y lógico aprender, y sin los que el Hombre experimentaría una gran soledad espiritual en la tierra).
¡Y a mojar galletas, jeje..!
Nada más. La Medicina de Coyote incluye el conocimiento de las hierbas (aquí comparte Medicina con Hermana Osa) y de la humanidad.