Coyote Cider

:O Coyote Tea!! I cannot believe it hee hee! I'll go and have a look at his Medicine, though I'll skip some other ingredient and will add a witchy touch and a wizard pinch ;)

Posted on September 26, 2013, by latisha ::HerbMother::

The other day I woke up with The Drip. You know that little indication of something brewing that doesn’t belong. A little bit of stress, not sleeping a ton, and the shift in the weather and I’m a sitting duck for my first cold of the season. But, not to worry, this Herbmama is prepared. I’ve still got some Coyote Cider left over from last year. Along with vowing to take better care of myself, I’ve been treating myself to a glass of Coyote Tea each morning.

When the weather starts to get a bit chilly, the warming herbs beg to be made into potions. I can’t seem to get enough cinnamon and these spicy friends below are now making their way to the front of the spice rack as well. Fire cider and Four Thieves Vinegars are delicious, easy, potions packed with a punch of healing power. Used regularly, they help keep our immune systems strong and help to make us a less than ideal host for those buggies that start looking for warm places to live in the winter months.

This version of fire cider, I call Coyote Cider, was inspired by a friend. Initially handcrafted for her and delivered in a really old vintage Jim Beam bottle, it remains one of my favorite herbcrafts to make. Here is a recipe to the closest proportions I can guess. As always, measuring is not my forte.

Coyote Cider
4 TB grated Horseradish
1 small onion
8 cloves garlic
2-3 thai chilies
1/2 c ginger
4 sprigs rosemary
4 sprigs thyme
2 sprigs oregano

Combine all in a quart size jar, cover with apple cider vinegar. Cover with plastic lid. Let sit for at least two weeks. Strain and use. In warm water with a little honey, this Coyote Tea is sure to clear out whatever’s buggin’ ya.