The exact Venus Sun conjunction at the Libra Full Moon - The myth of Persephone

Last March 27, 2013, we had our Libra Full Moon this year. With this Full Moon, Venus is in exact conjunction with the Sun. There is a great struggle and tension between the [Venus-Aphrodite aspect] and the [Mars-Pluto] aspect affecting this particular astral moment. It is the Libra/Aries axis (Ying-Yang), or the need to be friend with the enemy. The polarity entailed by this Full Moon and the astrological return of spring are explained through the famous springtime myth: Persephone Return. When the ever-youthful and beautiful Goddess of Spring returns, it becomes spring each year. She is a vegetation deity, for she personifies the cycle life-death-rebirth.

Where there is tension, there is struggle and, thus, a vital need balance of nature. The Libra Full Moon is the very one for that journey work. Light and Dark. Day and Night. This Full Moon is square to Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. With the Spring Equinox, Life leaps out of the shadows of winter to say I'm still here! Yay!!! Let's get this party started!!!, so as the snow melts, things re-emerge (Greek Goddess Persephone's equivalent is Roman Goddess Proserpina; the probable origin of her name comes from the Latin "proserpere" or re-emerge) in the mud and come out of the Sea .. Hello, Persephone! Welcome back.

Mars (Aries), the Warrior, the Hero, the Champion, the Protector, this is the part of us, born under the Libra Full Moon, that feels the outrage of injustice, and does something about it. This is also the part of us that has to make a choice. A vow, even, as to where all of that energy is going to go. Venus's (Libra) strong presence tells us about the nature of this choice: Love.

Jackie Morris Artist