Proserpina, Goddess of Spring
Spring Moon: Persephone [Proserpina] -- Hades. Queen of the otherworld; spirit world; fae. Goddess of spring and youth.
April's Full Moon (April 4, 1977) Aprilis (Aphrodite's month) Pink Moon: Aphrodite [Venus] -- Hefesto
Paralelism. Same story.
Se funde la nieve, el hielo.. y de esas aguas emerge Venus... bajo el manto de frío, oscuridad y muerte que supone el invierno, aparece Proserpina [Lat. "re-emerge"], y queda al descubierto la hierba verde, las flores... la vida que trae consigo de nuevo la Primavera. Proserpina [Persephone]/Venus [Aphrodite]'s Return (Spring myth).
Full Moon in Libra (Venus. Aphrodite). Sun in Aries (Mars. Pluto)./ Persephone and Hades or Pluto. Aphrodite and Hefesto. Struggling for Balance. Polars for Harmony. Chaos for Creation.
Persephone is the Wicked Witch, the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland. She represents the dark side, the witch who practises black magic: the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfish purposes.
Aphrodite - Reverse: Aphrodite card medicine in contrary gives way to Persephone in my tarot. They are the two sides of the same coin, either as for two different people, or within the same one person.
Aphrodite is the Good Witch, the White Queen of Wonderland. She represents the light side, the witch who practises white magic: the use of supernatural powers or magic for good and selfless purposes.