Witchcraft Medicine

"To hunt like this was laborious; it took more time than it had before and bagged less. In equal proportions to the rate at which the hunting bounty diminished, plant-gathering increased in value. Within the natural division of work of the primitive people, collecting fruits, root, bark, and birds' eggs fell mostly to the female gender; thus the work of women gained in importance." The Wild Earth and Its Children, Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants, 2003.
Manual that recovers the lost knowledge of European folk medicine, shamanic tradition, magic, alchemy, and herbalism.
- Cover: Circe (The Sorceress) by John William Waterhouse, 1911.
The Magician - Circe was a sorceress, a magician, a witch, herbalist and healer who knew the ancient ways of plants and spices and how to cast spells.