Wolf Spirit

I was reading about the meaning of the Soul Medicine that Fox people carry in their pouch .. about how they'd rather look things from a distance, not to take sides and definitely not to get involved. I may keep seeking my familiar spirit under the same stones over and over, I may look like a fool then. But I do know well what is the kind of person that I am not. And that reminds me of far more committed, strong-willed, loyal, self-expressing, bold no matter what .. canids. Wolves. Again.
I was reading about Red Wolf Totem (Innocence) (Canis rufus), White Wolf Totem (Spiritual) (Canis lupus arctus) .. all of them subspecies of the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), and all of them wolves anyway. Even my Coyote (Canis latrans) (barking dog) (Coyote was the wild Song Dog) was known as the Prairie Wolf, and Brush Wolf, from the petite and lanky plains coyote (Canis latrans latrans) to the stunning and luxuriant mountain creature (Canis latrans lestis). The Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus) is of course a subspecies of gray wolf. And the Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus) is a subspecies of gray wolf too. Wolves. All over .. again.
She may be tired of being neglected once and again ..

.. while I come to grips with some essential truths 
that I need to know how to handle harmoniously. 
After all, Wolf speaks about Balance, Harmony and Equilibrium.
Wolf fights inconsistencies and vacuum, and regulates 
the Real and the Spiritual planes.

The gaze of this prey-animal reaches into your Soul. Within Celtic mythology, the wolf was revered as the companion of Cerridwen, goddess of the moon and fertility (Budding Trees Moon). The wolf was also one of the four sacred animals of the goddess Brighid (Imbolc). This festival takes place in February, and this month was known to the Celts as Faoilleach, month of the wolf. The Morrigan, goddess of war, death and destruction, would frequently take the form of a red-furred wolf. Shamanistic Tradition in Europe sees the wolf as the animal companion of witches, sorceresses and wizards. Wolf is The Grand Teacher, the sage who, after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radical and the traditional in the same breath. When the Wolf walks by you, you will remember.

- Wolf Medicine:

I wonder what the Celts would have thought about Coyote ... in case they had got to know this "wolf of the prairies". Because Coyote is only native to America. Of course, the Druids could not have been speaking about the special knowledge, the peculiar teaching and the wise fool quintessence of this youngster. Coyote pops in when all the harsh and seriousness is gone. Coyote - The Tricskter (The Wise Fool) is the childlike innocent, playful, passionatedly curious and chaotically creative Spirit of Spring!